
General Information for Sonicfire Pro 6

Sonicfire Pro 6 is the latest release from SmartSound Software, which includes a completely redesigned user interface, a brand new sound engine, improved Timing Control for updated albums and many other improvements

- Currently, our plug-in for Pinnacle Studio is not yet implemented for Sonicfire Pro 6, but it should be coming very soon. If you have previously purchased the Studio plugin for Sonicfire Pro 5, you will not need to repurchase it and it will continue to work with Sonicfire Pro 5 and 5.8. Once the Studio plugin has been implemented you will need to obtain a new activation code to unlock the feature in Sonicfire Pro 6.

- Minimum Requirements for Sonicfire Pro 6 are:

  • PC: Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or higher
  • Mac: OS 10.9 Mavericks or higher

- Sonicfire Pro 6 is currently not configured to use external audio devices. This ability will also be coming soon as we ensure compatibility with the new sound engine.

- Sonicfire Pro 6 no longer requires Windows Media Player to be installed. However, some codecs that were supplied through WMP may not be available for Sonicfire Pro to utilize for video playback. If you are having trouble playing a certain video format inside Sonicfire Pro, make sure that you have the relevant codecs installed on your system. Quicktime, while also not required, does provide some commonly used codecs for .mp4 and .mov formats. If you have removed the Quicktime player, you may need to install these codecs back onto your system through other means (such as the K-Lite codec pack) to be able to play these formats in Sonicfire Pro 6.

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